Daniel Brown “D. B.”
Boultinghouse and Mary Jane (Russell), his wife, migrated from
Scott County, Arkansas to Texas sometime between March 1849 and
June 1850. We know that in 1850, their neighbors in Lampasas
County, Texas were Mary Jane’s older brother, D. W. Russell and her
father, John.
"Camp near Houston Oct 14, 63
Dear wife I take my pen in hand to let you know
that I am well through the providence of God and
I hope when these lines come to hand they will find
you all well I have little news at present what we
have is favorable we came through Houston day
before yesterday how long we will Remain here is
uncertain we may stay here till our Service is ended
or we may leave here tomorrow no troops have landed
here yet but it is thought by our head men they will
land at some port before long we heard some big
speeches yesterday from Judge Oldham, Gen. Magruder
and Col. Carter they made a very pretty thing of it there
were about fifteen hundred troops on parade yesterday
Maj Wilkes is here they look for the company that
Jonathan belongs to will be here tomorrow the Boys are
generally well here we are 3 miles from Houston in a pine
grove the wind is from the North this morning and it Roars
very natural I have nothing more to write at this time I want
you to write every week and I will try to do the same I have
not got a letter from home yet do the best you can and I will
do the same So no more at present but Remains your
affectionate husband until Death
D. B. Boultinghouse
To Mrs. M. J. Boultinghouse"